Two Deck Blackjack Chart
Blackjack is one of the most entertaining casino games, combining skill, analytical thinking and luck in one. To master the game and derive the greatest satisfaction from your gaming session, though, you need to turn to a proven blackjack strategy.
- To use the basic strategy, look up your hand along the left vertical edge and the dealer's up card along the top. In both cases an A stands for ace. From top to bottom are the hard totals, soft totals, and splittable hands. There are two charts depending on whether the dealer hits or stands on soft 17.
- Clearly, when you have more decks in the game, you will need a different online blackjack strategy chart. The gameplay will change a whole lot. But the good thing is you can use the same blackjack basic strategy, i.e. Repeatedly referring to the chart.
- The third chart is for double deck, S17, DAS. KO slightly beats reKO. At Wynn's current estimated penetration, reKO has 99.6% of the performance of KO. The fourth chart is for single deck, H17. ReKO and KO perform essentially the same. KO has a tiny edge at 26 cards and reKO pulls ahead at deeper penetrations.
The good news is that the game offers depth, but it also relies on simple rules to help you familiarize yourself with it. We have prepared a blackjack basic strategy for you to find out more about the foundations of the game and pick the useful habits that will help you become a professional if you choose to.
The key to each blackjack strategy is practice as well as analyze your mistakes in a way that allows you to avoid them in the future. Once you are done with the blackjack basic strategy, you can switch to more sophisticated stratagems, such as card counting.
The above is a basic strategy table for 3 or more decks, dealer stands on soft 17, double on any 2 cards, double after split allowed, dealer peeks for blackjack, and blackjack pays 3:2. Key: S = Stand H = Hit Dh = Double (if not allowed, then hit) Ds = Double (if not allowed, then stand) SP = Split SU = Surrender (if not allowed, then hit).
By choosing to stick to card counting and a blackjack strategy, you can improve the frequency and quality of your winnings. That said, you are about to discover both basic and advanced play in order to produce the best results you can during your own gaming sessions.
Blackjack is one of the most entertaining casino games, combining skill, analytical thinking and luck in one. To master the game and derive the greatest satisfaction from your gaming session, though, you need to turn to a proven blackjack strategy.
The good news is that the game offers depth, but it also relies on simple rules to help you familiarize yourself with it. We have prepared a blackjack basic strategy for you to find out more about the foundations of the game and pick the useful habits that will help you become a professional if you choose to.
Two Deck Blackjack Charts

Two Deck Blackjack Chart Printable
The key to each blackjack strategy is practice as well as analyze your mistakes in a way that allows you to avoid them in the future. Once you are done with the blackjack basic strategy, you can switch to more sophisticated stratagems, such as card counting.
Two Deck Blackjack Chart Blackjack
By choosing to stick to card counting and a blackjack strategy, you can improve the frequency and quality of your winnings. That said, you are about to discover both basic and advanced play in order to produce the best results you can during your own gaming sessions.