Time Slot Meaning In Spanish

Time Slot Meaning In Spanish 4,7/5 3058 votes
  1. Time Slot Definition In Spanish
  2. Time Slot Meaning In English

Number one in the time slot. I had my own show in the coveted time slot; The parameters shall be provided to the airport coordinator in good time before the initial slot allocation takes place for the purpose of scheduling conferences. I guess I could reconsider the time slot in exchange for your. The time; slots concerned are the same as those. Time-slot; time slot; Etymology. Hyphenation: time‧slot; Noun. Timeslot (plural timeslots) A conventionally defined time interval in a schedule. Prime-time television has two- to four-hour-long timeslots. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). (F) Due to the success of the first season, the show has been moved to a time slot with wider viewership.

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Time Slot Meaning In Spanish horario franja horaria
intervalo de tiempo
franjas horarias
Time slot meaning in english
espacio de tiempo
He oído lo de tu nuevo horario.
Had the largest viewing audience of any show in that time slot.
Tenía la mayor audiencia que cualquier otro en ese horario.
Otro programa fue enumerado en esa franja horaria.
Un solo grupo por cada franja horaria.
Una vez en un intervalo de tiempo de juegos Betsoft.
Immediate Activation/Deactivation and/or programmable daily time slot. Picture capture: Yes.
Activación/Desactivación inmediata y/o temporizada para una franja horaria del día. Captura de fotos: Sí.
Contact the hotel to book a time slot for the water circuit.
Se debe contactar con el hotel para reservar el horario del circuito de aguas.
Primer puesto en su franja horaria.
Su horario habitual era los viernes 10/9 pp. m.
Unlike the other cartoons around its Saturday morning time slot, several episodes of Dragon Hunters were rated TV-PG.
A diferencia de las otras series alrededor de su franja horaria de sábado por la mañana, varios episodios de Dragon Hunters fueron calificados TV-PG.

Time Slot Definition In Spanish

Johnny Carson was too strong in the ratings for the same time slot.
Johnny Carson fue demaisado fuerte entre las audiencias para la misma franja horaria.
Despite its time slot and intended audience, the content is rated TV PG.
A pesar de su horario y público adulto al cual se encuentra enfocado, el contenido está clasificado como TV PG.
Salvo que lo enterraran en el horario equivocado.
Número uno en su franja horaria.
He would request a time slot later in the evening.
Él pediría una franja horaria más adelante por la tarde.
Distribution of the frequency of tweets publication by time slot.
Time slot meaning in english
Distribución de la frecuencia de publicación de los tuits según la franja horaria.
Graph show number of users, time slot and devices used.
Datos en número de usuarios, franja horaria y dispositivos utilizados.
The services typically operated three to four hours per day within the after-school time slot.
Los servicios operaron típicamente tres a cuatro horas por día dentro después del horario escolar.
But you know, what does suck balls is our time slot.
¿Y sus ingresos de su horario de conducción?
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Time Slot Meaning In English

  • A length of time allotted to someone or something, especially in a broadcasting schedule.

    ‘the series aired in what will be its regular Friday 10 p.m. time slot’
    • ‘time slots booked for a particular surgeon’
    • ‘We placed the show in its June time slot to give exhibitors a chance to preview their fall lines to buyers.’
    • ‘Aware of its declining status, he began searching last spring for a new venue and a new time slot for the fair, traditionally held at Navy Pier in early May.’
    • ‘While excited that the critically acclaimed, yet relatively little watched show was given the prime, post-Super Bowl time slot, I actually had little faith that the increased exposure would translate into substantially more viewers.’
    • ‘Now there are DVDs, and I can watch my favorite shows as often as I want, without the interference of networks that see fit to change a show's time slot on a whim.’
    • ‘When we started making it we didn't even know what timeslot it was going to be on and it was a low budget show, so we kind of just made it for us and there weren't really any concessions made.’
    • ‘I never felt that the material was padded just for the sake of filling a time slot.’
    • ‘In its original weekday time slot, the show became an enormous cult hit.’
    • ‘I guarantee everyone will keep the time slot they had at the end of last year.’
    • ‘Getting solo acoustic performers ready three to five minutes before their time slot doesn't need to be a headache, even if they have limited stage experience.’
    • ‘I think that having the earliest time slot of the night didn't help the band.’
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