Norton's Theorem Poker

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  1. Norton's Theorem Poker Rules
  2. Norton's Theorem Poker Game
  3. Norton S Theorem Procedure
  4. Norton's Theorem Poker Games
  5. Norton S Theorem Problems
  6. Norton's Theorem Poker Practice
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Thevenin’s theorem states that we can replace all the electric circuit, except a load resistor, as an independent voltage source in series, and the load resistor response will be the same. The Norton’s theorem states that we can replace the electric circuit except the load resistor as a current source in parallel. Norton's Theorem. Any collection of batteries and resistances with two terminals is electrically equivalent to an ideal current source i in parallel with a single resistor r. The value of r is the same as that in the Thevenin equivalent and the current i can be found by dividing the open circuit voltage by r.

Any black box containing resistances only and voltage and current sources can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of an equivalent current source in parallel connection with an equivalent resistance.
Edward Lawry Norton

In direct-current circuit theory, Norton's theorem (aka Mayer–Norton theorem) is a simplification that can be applied to networks made of linear time-invariant resistances, voltage sources, and current sources. At a pair of terminals of the network, it can be replaced by a current source and a single resistor in parallel.

For alternating current (AC) systems the theorem can be applied to reactiveimpedances as well as resistances.

The Norton equivalent circuit is used to represent any network of linear sources and impedances at a given frequency.

Norton's theorem and its dual, Thévenin's theorem, are widely used for circuit analysis simplification and to study circuit's initial-condition and steady-state response.

Norton's Theorem Poker Rules

Norton's theorem was independently derived in 1926 by Siemens & Halske researcher Hans Ferdinand Mayer (1895–1980) and Bell Labs engineer Edward Lawry Norton (1898–1983).[1][2][3][4][5][6]

To find the equivalent, the Norton current Ino is calculated as the current flowing at the terminals into a short circuit (zero resistance between A and B). This is Ino. The Norton resistance Rno is found by calculating the output voltage produced with no resistance connected at the terminals; equivalently, this is the resistance between the terminals with all (independent) voltage sources short-circuited and independent current sources open-circuited. This is equivalent to calculating the Thevenin resistance.

When there are dependent sources, the more general method must be used. The voltage at the terminals is calculated for an injection of a 1Amp test current at the terminals. This voltage divided by the 1 A current is the Norton impedance Rno. This method must be used if the circuit contains dependent sources, but it can be used in all cases even when there are no dependent sources.

Example of a Norton equivalent circuit[edit]

  1. The original circuit
  2. Calculating the equivalent output current
  3. Calculating the equivalent resistance
  4. Design the Norton equivalent circuit

In the example, the total current Itotal is given by:

Itotal=15V2kΩ+1kΩ(1kΩ+1kΩ)=5.625mA.{displaystyle I_{mathrm {total} }={15,mathrm {V} over 2,mathrm {k} Omega +1,mathrm {k} Omega , ,(1,mathrm {k} Omega +1,mathrm {k} Omega )}=5.625,mathrm {mA} .}

The current through the load is then, using the current divider rule:

Ino=1kΩ+1kΩ(1kΩ+1kΩ+1kΩ)Itotal{displaystyle I_{mathrm {no} }={1,mathrm {k} Omega +1,mathrm {k} Omega over (1,mathrm {k} Omega +1,mathrm {k} Omega +1,mathrm {k} Omega )}cdot I_{mathrm {total} }}
=2/35.625mA=3.75mA.{displaystyle =2/3cdot 5.625,mathrm {mA} =3.75,mathrm {mA} .}

And the equivalent resistance looking back into the circuit is:

Rno=1kΩ+(2kΩ(1kΩ+1kΩ))=2kΩ.{displaystyle R_{mathrm {no} }=1,mathrm {k} Omega +(2,mathrm {k} Omega , ,(1,mathrm {k} Omega +1,mathrm {k} Omega ))=2,mathrm {k} Omega .}

So the equivalent circuit is a 3.75 mA current source in parallel with a 2 kΩ resistor.

Conversion to a Thévenin equivalent[edit]

To a Thévenin equivalent

Norton's Theorem Poker Game

A Norton equivalent circuit is related to the Thévenin equivalent by the equations:

Rth=Rno{displaystyle R_{rm {th}}=R_{rm {no}}!}
Vth=InoRno{displaystyle V_{rm {th}}=I_{rm {no}}R_{rm {no}}!}
VthRth=Ino{displaystyle {frac {V_{rm {th}}}{R_{rm {th}}}}=I_{rm {no}}!}

Queueing theory[edit]

The passive circuit equivalent of 'Norton's theorem' in queuing theory is called the Chandy Herzog Woo theorem.[3][4][7] In a reversible queueing system, it is often possible to replace an uninteresting subset of queues by a single (FCFS or PS) queue with an appropriately chosen service rate.[8]

Norton S Theorem Procedure

See also[edit]


Norton's Theorem Poker Games

  1. ^Mayer, Hans Ferdinand (1926). 'Ueber das Ersatzschema der Verstärkerröhre' [On equivalent circuits for electronic amplifiers]. Telegraphen- und Fernsprech-Technik (in German). 15: 335–337.
  2. ^Norton, Edward Lawry (1926). 'Design of finite networks for uniform frequency characteristic'. Bell Laboratories. Technical Report TM26–0–1860.Cite journal requires journal= (help)
  3. ^ abJohnson, Don H. (2003). 'Origins of the equivalent circuit concept: the voltage-source equivalent'(PDF). Proceedings of the IEEE. 91 (4): 636–640. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2003.811716. hdl:1911/19968.
  4. ^ abJohnson, Don H. (2003). 'Origins of the equivalent circuit concept: the current-source equivalent'(PDF). Proceedings of the IEEE. 91 (5): 817–821. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2003.811795.
  5. ^Brittain, James E. (March 1990). 'Thevenin's theorem'. IEEE Spectrum. 27 (3): 42. doi:10.1109/6.48845. S2CID2279777. Retrieved 2013-02-01.
  6. ^Dorf, Richard C.; Svoboda, James A. (2010). 'Chapter 5: Circuit Theorems'. Introduction to Electric Circuits (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 162–207. ISBN978-0-470-52157-1. Archived from the original on 2012-04-30. Retrieved 2018-12-08.
  7. ^Gunther, Neil J. (2004). Analyzing Computer System Performance with Perl::PDQ (Online ed.). Berlin: Springer Science+Business Media. p. 281. ISBN978-3-540-20865-5.
  8. ^Chandy, Kanianthra Mani; Herzog, Ulrich; Woo, Lin S. (January 1975). 'Parametric Analysis of Queuing Networks'. IBM Journal of Research and Development. 19 (1): 36–42. doi:10.1147/rd.191.0036.

Norton S Theorem Problems

External links[edit]

Norton's Theorem Poker Practice

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