Neverwinter Utility Slot Ring

Neverwinter Utility Slot Ring 4,2/5 6904 votes

Later you will be able to obtain two-slot rings in Castle Never and Assault on Svardborg, but the iLevel requirements mean you'll have to gear up before trying to obtain these rings. There are also crafted two-slot rings available on the Auction House, but these are normally prohibitively expensive. 1' Tactical Rings Extra High Picatinny Style Matte Finish 2 Rings. 023-420183 Burris Optics. 1' Signature Zee Rings Medium Weaver Style Gloss. 1 Extra Character Slot - Unlock an additional character slot on your account! Dragonborn Legend Pack. Unleash the power of the Dragonborn and become a legend in Neverwinter with the Dragonborn Legend Pack! The Dragonborn Legend Pack contains exclusive access to the Dragonborn race and many items to aid you on your adventures! Your aim is to get a lot of out going healing (40% plus). Equipping at least 4 outgoing healing companions that are at least purple is a good goal to aim for. Below is an example of some pets you can aquire. My advice is not to choose the Quickling (utility slot pet) unless you are AD cashed up. The underdark rings do not stack, but the primal and huntsman do. As a general rule of thumb though most DPS characters want double offensive slot rings. The Primal rings are good, but there are some very powerful rings that drop from the different Chult hunts too. Also an old favorite are the legendary rings form the stormkings campaign.

Hello once again travelers,

Today we will be covering the new companion system. Many things have changed with the system in Undermountain so I will do my best to cover all of it here.

Active Companion Paradigm and Player Bonuses (formerly known as ACBs)

Active companion slots are things of the past. Currently, these slots primarily serve as containers for ACBs and as such they have been changed to do just that. As a part of this change, ACBs have been rebranded and made into a separate piece similar to mount powers. This new piece is referred to as a player bonus.


Player bonuses can be equipped in player bonus slots and are limited by type. The types are offense, defense, and utility and, as you can guess, they give bonuses that are similar to the type. Some player bonuses can go in multiple slots. The power of player bonuses are based on the quality of the companion they came with. So in order to increase the base effectiveness of a power that companion must be upgraded. The companion does not have to be summoned, just its quality increased.


This is the Zhentarim Warlock’s player bonus at blue quality

Here it is again at orange

Each slot offers a filtered list of available player bonuses.

The types of slots available to the player are based on the character class. The breakdown per class is:

  • Fighter, Paladin, Barbarian
    • Defense
    • Offense
    • Defense
    • Defense
    • Utility
  • Cleric
    • Offense
    • Utility
    • Defense
    • Offense
    • Utility
  • Rogue, Warlock, Wizard, Ranger
    • Offense
    • Defense
    • Offense
    • Offense
    • Utility

To summarize:

  • Active companion slots have been replaced with player bonus slots
  • Each slot has one of 3 themes (offense, defense, utility)
  • Available slots differ based on class
  • Player bonuses are themed and can have multiple themes attached to them
  • Player bonuses are always active as long as they are equipped

Pet Enhancements

An additional piece of companions are slottable powers known as pet enhancements. These are buffs or debuffs that are triggered when the player uses a power. Of course, in order for this to happen there has to be a companion summoned and in range.

While player bonuses are unique for each companion, the pool of player enhancements is much smaller. So multiple companions can come with the same pet enhancement.

Companion Equipment

The equipment that companions wear are now universal. Gone are the days of having to equip each companion with their specific equipment requirements. Now companion equipment slots allow the player to equip any piece of companion equipment in them. Notice how I said companion equipment; companions can no longer equip player equipment, they are now only interested in companion-only equipment.

On top of this change to equipment, the slots have been globalized. So no matter what companion you decide to switch to, the equipment will apply to the summoned companion.

Runestone slots have also been changed. Since Bonding runestones have become such an integral part of the game, we converted the runestone slots to Bonding runestone slots. These slots have also been made universal so you only need 3 to benefit from any summoned companion.

Note that I am only talking about Bonding runestones. Well, that is because Eldritch runestones are a thing of the past… sort of. Bonding runestones and Eldritch runestones had a talk and decided that Bonding runestones would start to work like Eldritch as long as they could still be called Bonding because Bonding is a much cooler name. This change to Bonding means that both combat and augment pets benefit from the runestones. For those of you with Eldritch stones, we are implementing a trade in so they can be converted into Bonding runestones.

So I bet you are wondering about those other runestones, well with the limiting of the Bonding runestone slots the other runestones have been set free to live in the slots of all companion equipment. That’s right, companion equipment is the new home for runestones.

To summarize

  • Companions can only equip companion equipment now
  • Equipment slots are now universal, meaning any piece of gear can go into any slot
  • Equipment slots apply to the currently summoned companion. There is no longer a need to equip each companion individually
  • Companion gear now only takes runestones
  • Runestone slots are now bonding runestone slots
  • Bonding runestones work like Eldritch stones now
  • Bonding runestones are used by both augment and combat companions
  • Eldritch can be exchanged at the antiquities dealer in PE

Bolstering and Categorization

Over the years some of you have collected many companions. Unfortunately they have had to sit and collect dust unable to provide any support. Thankfully this has changed with the new bolstering system. Now upgrading and levelling up multiple companions in storage benefits any summoned companion in the form of a bolster bonus.


Bolstering increases the combat effectiveness of the summoned companion or the special ratings of an augment pet. The more of a certain type of a companion you have, at higher quality, the larger the bonus.

A companion type is what determines where the bolster bonus comes from. There are 5 types, or categories, that companions now fit in. These categories are fighters, creatures, invokers, mystical, and beasts. Adding companions from each group will increase the bolster bonus. Maximum bolster bonus can be reached if you have at least 5 companions of the highest quality within a category. Which 5 does not matter, the bonus is derived from the 5 best quality companions you have.

To summarize

Neverwinter Utility Slot Ring Holders

  • Companions now fit into 1 of 5 categories
  • Depending on the number and quality of owned companions of the same category the summoned companion will be bolstered (Up to 5)
  • Bolstering increases the power of the companion by the percentage displayed in the companion window
  • Combat companions receive increases to their non-rating combat stats for bolstering
  • Augments receive a slight boost to the three ratings they specialize in

Neverwinter Utility Slot Ring Removal Tool


Those are the highlights of the companion changes. Along with this update will come changes to how companions scale, their survivability, and from where they get their damage values. The hope is that the player will have more freedom to use different companions without feeling like they are making a bad choice just because they want to use a different companion. Decoupling the direct link to player power and companion combat effectiveness means you can freely explore other options.

If you are curious to find out more please log on to our preview server and check Neverwinter: Undermountain out. IT’S THE BEST!

Neverwinter utility slot ring toss

Salim “Silius” Grant
Systems Designer