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- Extra Slots 2 Mhw Switch
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- Extra Slots 2 Mhw Games
- Extra Slots 2 Mhw Shara
- Extra Slots 2 Mhw Rarity 11
Decorations are divided into 4 levels: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4. All of them give no bonuses to your skill level, they are only meant to limit what type of decorations/skills you can use in a weapon/armor slot, but higher level decoration slots allow you to also use lower level decorations. Rarity 12 extra slot 2. Rarity 12 extra slot 2. Anyone know the yellow material needed. Is Slot Increase augmentation good? I would have to say in most cases it’s a NO. The only time I would take this is on a Rarity 6 weapon taking Lifesteal/Slot/Slot to get an extra medium slot. But only on “very specific builds” wherein the medium outweighs 10% affinity and some flat attack. That’s a lot of filters.
Fully upgraded weapons and armors can be augmented to further enhance their power. Augmentations require rare monster materials and Streamstones. Streamstones can be obtained by completing Tempered Investigation.
Tempered Investigation
Tempered Investigation quests are randomly awarded when the player gathered tracks from tempered monsters.
Threat Level | Monsters |
1 | Pukei-Pukei, Tobi-Kadachi, Anjanath, Barroth, Jyuratodus, Rathian, Paolumu, Radobaan |
2 | Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, Pink Rathian, Diablos, Black Diablos, Bazelgeuse, Uragaan, Lavasioth, Legiana, Odogaron |
3 | Kirin, Teostra, Kushala Daora, Nergigante, Vaal Hazak |
The following monsters do not have Tempered variation: Great Jagras, Kulu-Ya-ku, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, Great Girros, Dodogama, Zorah Magdaros, Xeno'jiiva

Tempered Investigation Reward
Completing tempered investigations reward the player with various streamstones and feystones. Streamstones are used for augmentations, feystones can be appraised and yield decorations.
Investigation Type | Quest Rewards | Bonus Reward (Purple) |
Threat I | Streamstone Shard (7%) |
Threat II | Streamstone (7%) |
Threat III | Gleaming Streamstone (7%) |
Streamstone shard, streamstone, and gleaming streamstone are used as:
- Key ingredient for Melding Pot
- Primary ingredient for Armor Augmentation
- Secondary ingredient for Weapon Augmentation
Sullied Streamstone and Shining Streamstone will be appraised and identified as Warrior's streamstone and Hero's streamstone. Warrior's streamstone and Hero's streamstone are the primary ingredient for weapon augmentation.
Sullied Streamstone | Shining Streamstone | Augmented Weapon |
Warrior's Streamstone: Sword | Hero's Streamstone: Sword | Great Sword, Long Sword |
Warrior's Streamstone: Blade | Hero's Streamstone: Blade | Sword & Shield, Dual Blade |
Warrior's Streamstone: Hammer | Hero's Streamstone: Hammer | Hammer, Hunting Horn |
Warrior's Streamstone: Lance | Hero's Streamstone: Lance | Lance, Gunlance |
Warrior's Streamstone: Axe | Hero's Streamstone: Axe | Switch Axe, Charge Blade |
Warrior's Streamstone: Shaft | Hero's Streamstone: Shaft | Insect Glaive, Bow |
Warrior's Streamstone: Ranged | Hero's Streamstone: Ranged | Light Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun |
Weapon Augmentation
Fully upgraded weapons can be augmented to further enhance their capability. The following augmentations can be added to weapons:
Augmentation Type | Description | Effect |
Attack Increase | Increase attack power. Stacks with other upgrades | +5 True Attack Value |
Affinity Increase | Increase affinity. Stacks with other upgrades | +10% affinity (+5 for 2nd and 3rd affinity augmentation) |
Defense Increase | Increase defense and adds a chance to reduce damage taken each time you receive damage. Stacks with other upgrades | +10 defense |
Slot Upgrade | Adds an extra slot. Stack with other upgrades to increase the slot's level | |
Health Regen | Regain health as you land attacks. Stack with other upgrades to increase the amount of health regained |
Weapon augmentations can be overwrite; however, materials used for previous augmentation will not be returned. Weapons of different rarity requires different materials to add augmentations:
Rarity | Augmentation Slot | Materials required per Augmentation |
6 | 3 |
7 | 2 |
8 | 1 |
Augmentation Type | Rarity 6 | Rarity 7 | Rarity 8 |
Attack Increase | Rathalos Plate x2 | Rathalos Ruby x1 | Teostra Gem x1 |
Affinity Increase | Odogaron Plate x2 | Odogaron Gem x1 | Kushala Gem x1 |
Defense Increase | Bird Wyvern Gem x1 | Wyvern Gem x1 | Elder Dragon Blood x2 |
Slot Upgrade | Legiana Plate x2 | Legiana Gem x1 | Vaal Hazak Gem x1 |
Health Regen | Anjanath Plate x2 | Anjanath Gem x1 | Nergigante Gem x1 |
Armor Augmentation
Armor augmentation has one single option: Upgrade Limit Removal. This augmentation increase the maximum upgrade limit for the armor; allowing the armor to increase its defense.
Rarity | Streamstone Required |
6 and below | Streamstone Shard x1 |
7 | Streamstone x1 |
8 | Gleaming Streamstone x1 |
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What is Cultivation?
Cultivation is the act of growing plants, bugs, and other essential materials used to craft consumables. Most of these materials can be gathered during expeditions, though it can be tedious and time-consuming. Being able to grow them at the research base is much more convenient.

Cultivating materials costs research points and is one of the best investments for the currency. It allows you to stockpile a hefty amount of items to make healing items, traps, slinger ammo, and other useful consumables you should bring on quests.
Cultivation is unlocked by visiting the botanical research center in Astera. At first, you will only be able to cultivate one type of material. You can upgrade the research center’s features by completing various deliveries and optional quests.
Botanical Research Center Upgrades
Extra Slots 2 Mhw Switch
Upgrade | Description | How to Unlock |
Harvest Box Upgrade 1 | Adds 10 slots to your harvest box. | Complete the To Hold a Harvest delivery request. |
Harvest Box Upgrade 2 | Adds 10 more slots to your harvest box. | Complete the Your Storage Solution delivery request. |
Culture Materials Upgrade 1 | Unlocks cultivation of nullberry, might seed, adamant seed, antidote herb, fire herb, flowfern, snow herb, sleep herb, smokenut, dragonfell berry, blastnut, dragonstrike nut, slashberry, bomberry, flamenut, blazenut, and ivy | Complete the 3★ Prickly Predicament optional quest. Unlocked by talking to the laid-back botanist after reaching HR 3. |
Culture Materials Upgrade 2 | Unlocks cultivation of nitroshroom, devil’s blight, parashroom, toadstool, exciteshroom, chillshroom, flashbug, godbug, thunderbug, baitbug, and spider web. | Complete the 4★ Royal Relocation optional quest. Unlocked by talking to the laid-back botanist after reaching HR 5. |
Catalyst (fertilizer) | Grants growth up S on all culture slots. | Complete the Sprouting an Ancient Tree delivery request. |
Culture Slot Upgrade 1 | Adds one culture slot to cultivate two kinds of materials (or duplicates) at a time. | Complete the 4★ Persistent Pests optional quest. |
Mega Fertilizer (fertilizer) | Grants plant harvest up L on all culture slots. | Complete the 6★ Hard to Swallow optional quest. |
Choice Mushroom Substrate (fertilizer) | Grants fungi harvest up L on all culture slots. | Complete the 6★ A Crown of Mud and Anger optional quest. |
Thick Summon Jelly (fertilizer) | Grants bug/honey harvest up L on all culture slots. | Complete the 6★ Say Cheese! optional quest. |
Ancient Catalyst (fertilizer) | Grants growth up L on all culture slots. | Complete the 6★ The Sleeping Sylvan Queen optional quest and Shattering the Grass Ceiling delivery request. |
Culture Slot Upgrade 2 | Adds one culture slot to cultivate three kinds of materials (or duplicates) at time. | Complete the 7★ Talons of Ire and Ice optional quest. |
Soft Soil (fertilizer) | Extends the duration of all active fertilizers by five. | Complete all fertilizer delivery requests, including A Gentle Earthen Bed. |
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Recommended Materials to Cultivate
Honey is used in making potent healing items like mega potions, first-aid meds+, and max potions. Because of this, you are likely to burn through your supply very quickly. This is especially true if you always carry some honey with you to craft more restorative items in the heat of battle. Try to maintain a good stockpile of honey at all times.

Mandragora is the key ingredient used in crafting max potions. There are very few places to gather it during expeditions, so being able to grow them by yourself is extremely advantageous.
Flashbugs are used to make flashpods, a type of slinger ammo that momentarily stuns monsters when fired. It also forces airborne foes to crash down, briefly giving you time to attack them without restraint. Flashpods are very effective against Rathalos, Rathian, Legiana, and even the elder dragons. It is easy to burn through a stash of flashpods, especially when running optional quests and investigations multiple times. Be sure to keep a hefty supply of them through cultivation.
Extra Slots 2 Mhw Games
Might Seeds
If you think you have stockpiled enough materials to make consumables, you can try to earn some money by growing might seeds. These sell for 140 z each for a good profit. You can also use them during quests to temporarily increase your attack power.
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Other Materials
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Bitterbugs, blue mushrooms, herbs, and sleep herbs are some of the materials that you will also likely deplete very quickly if you do not take time to gather them during expeditions. Cultivate as much as you need, since you will accumulate a good amount of research points just by going through the main story.